Wed 30 Oct 2024
Podcast /
Nata PR School (EN)

Lien de l'épisode /
Nata PR School (EN)

Hello, PR friends,

My team often hears me say, \"Ah! Yes, marketing pros frequently ask us this or that… they don\'t always understand what we do.\"
But before we dive in, I began my career over 30 years ago as a marketing professional for those who don\'t know my story.
I still love this profession, and it actually puts me in a better position to have a little fun at your expense, dear marketing friends.
So, here we go:
1. PR is just sending out press releases, right?
Ah… that famous misconception. If only! Our lives would be so simple.
Yes, we do send out press releases, but it\'s all about the art of capturing attention. What information should the release include? What headline best summarizes the news? And above all, a press release is not an ad. So be careful with superlatives like \"the best product on the market\"; let journalists make that call themselves.
2. It\'s easy to control a brand\'s image with PR
Control the image? PR doesn\'t control anything; it influences, guides, and informs. It highlights the brand\'s already-defined image. PR makes the brand known. It helps build awareness by generating buzz about it.
3. PR? It\'s only for crisis management.
Ah, crisis management… Yes, that\'s part of what PR can do, but in reality, PR is also about prevention, delivering key messages, and spreading positive messages chosen by the brand. Much ongoing work can be done to build reputations long before a crisis hits. And PR can prepare you for a potential crisis in advance.
4. Influencers replace PR, right?
No, social media and influencers don\'t replace PR. Influencers have been part of our public relations campaigns for several years now. They can become excellent ambassadors for a brand or product. But it\'s just one part of the job of getting known.
5. Why pay for PR when you can just run an ad?
Because an ad is like shouting through a megaphone: everyone hears you, but is everyone really listening? PR is more like the art of whispering into the right ears at the right time.
So, dear marketers, we hope this little dive into the PR world has enlightened you… and maybe made you smile a little.
We\'ll see you in the next episode for more, but in the meantime, stay curious and sign up for our PR 101 workshop to better understand what PR is all about.
And if you\'d like to chat, reach out to me!
I\'m here to help.
PR 101 ➤ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
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